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Red Lights on your balls for higher testosterone?

Red lights on your balls for higher testosterone?

You've likely seen the memes, read the articles, maybe even heard of a friend, or seen for yourself in Tucker Carlson...

“Red light therapy on your balls for higher testosterone,” or as Carlson refers to it, “testicle tanning.” And, needless to say, you probably have questions. In this article, I will attempt to clarify some details about men's health and the use of therapeutic lights.

Photizo Sport, man treating muscles before exercise, light therapy
Photizo Sport

Testosterone is more than muscle mass and the dark voice. It impacts areas such as your mental health, your energy level, your vitality, your sleep and much more

NASA scientists saw that the scratches on their hands were healing faster. CTS_ light therapy
NASA uses light therapy

Maybe red light therapy is something

you've heard about through your girlfriend, your wife, or people like Tony Robbins or Ben Greenfield. This modality of body therapy is going mainstream thanks to the athletes in the UFC, NFL, PGA, and on Olympic teams all using light therapy devices as a part of their training, recovery, and health routines. (-1) It's not for nothing that all experts have been using this technology for decades—since NASA started using it in the mid-1990s. NASA scientists saw that the scratches on their hands were healing more quickly than usual while the astronauts were in space. [1] Since then, therapeutic lights have been discussed and reviewed in thousands of clinical trials and papers.

So if you are a man who is experiencing low energy, stamina, brain fog, or other symptoms of low testosterone, or simply seek to improve your health routine, read on to see what the science says about therapeutic light therapy and how best to utilize it to achieve certain health benefits.

What makes a man, a man? It's a complicated question, but from a purely biological standpoint,

The answer is a simple one: the hormone testosterone.

Whenever the topic of men's health comes up, the conversation quickly turns to potency and testosterone, and for many this can seem like a man's health is only about the noble parts.

But the testosterone level has an incredible amount of important functions within the body of men, which are not always the first thing that comes to mind. And in the past few years, an amazing amount of research has been done on men's health and testosterone.

Maintaining healthy testosterone levels is important for numerous reasons, including

have a good looking body, healthy metabolism, sexual performance, better sperm quality, and overall heightened sense of wellness.

Testosterone is an anabolic sex steroid hormone, which is mainly released in Leydig cells. Testosterone is not just a male hormone, women also produce it in the ovaries, but of less magnitude and help with their body's health. Men have roughly about 10 times more testosterone than women (1) Testosterone is also an anti-aging hormone, which means that a healthy level of testosterone throughout your life can make you live longer (2) In men aged 30 years and older, testosterone levels steadily fall at a rate of about 1% per year.

CTS_More and more men incorporate therapeutic light therapy into their lives in order to increase testosterone levels naturally.

Testosterone is also a hormone that plays a key role in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. That is why it has a major influence on body fat composition and muscle mass, especially in men. Research has over and over again shown that testosterone deficiency is related to various metabolic health problems: increased fat mass (central adiposity), reduced insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance possibly leading into metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and even cardiovascular disease. (3)

Did you know that in the winter your T levels can be suppressed. Red light therapy may help

How to maintain healthy testosterone levels

Though this all may feel pretty daunting, don’t worry – there is hope. It is possible for you to put in the time and effort to keep your testosterone levels in an optimal place.

A man’s hormones will naturally decline with age, which can lead to a loss of muscle mass, increased fat storage, weaker bones, and lower energy levels. However, you don’t have to accept that as your fate – you have the ability to get your body in a place where it can produce the right amount of testosterone, even as you age.

To maintain healthy testosterone levels, men need to be physically active and eat well. Adequate amounts of sleep are also important.

The body can produce testosterone on its own, but it sometimes needs a natural boost to help keep levels within a healthy range. Testosterone supplementation can be beneficial for men experiencing low testosterone levels or symptoms associated with low T.

But, we have an even better option than supplements – therapeutic red and near-infrared light therapy. More and more men incorporate therapeutic light therapy into their lives in order to increase testosterone levels naturally. In recent years, it has been researched and investigated whether therapeutic light therapy can help men maintain a healthy level of testosterone. With a quick search for articles and studies around the topic, several hundred articles and studies appear. But First, here's a quick explainer of how it works: Therapeutic light therapy uses mostly red or near-infrared light to treat the skin, muscle tissue, bones, and other exposed body parts to enhance energy.

Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), can induce cell proliferation and enhance cellular energy and ATP production. It is a non-invasive method that contributes to pain relief and reduces inflammation, parallel to the enhanced healing and tissue repair processes.

By exposing the skin to this particularly light, the part of the cells that are "power generators" (the mitochondria) soak it up and produce more energy. In contrast to ultraviolet and far-infrared light, therapeutic light produces no heat and does not burn the skin.

Moreover, therapeutic red and near-infrared lights can also help the body fight oxidative stress. (4) Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the body's antioxidant and free radical compounds. It may also lower inflammatory responses within the cells.

Luckily, therapeutic red and near-infrared lights need no complicated equipment, which means you can apply this therapy in the privacy of your own home.

Let's look at therapeutic red and near-infrared lights various applications and benefits. The most common areas that people use therapeutic light treatment include:

  • Red Light Decreases Inflammation

  • Increased sport performance

  • Speeds Up Recovery

  • Promote Optimal Testosterone Levels

  • Increases Energy Levels

  • Enhances Blood Circulation

  • Helping hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia

  • Radiant Skin Health

  • Enhances Wound Healing Increasing fibroblast production

  • Increasing blood circulation to tissues

  • Decreases Pain

  • Reducing inflammation in skin cells


CTS_ whole body light therapy for men
Photonic LIghts BodyPRO

The testicles extend out of the torso for temperature regulation. Biologically, testicles operate best at 35 degrees Celsius. This difference is two full degrees below the average human body temperature.

You may see more damage than benefits if you use too much heat during therapy. Many types of bulbs and lamps utilized for light therapy give off too much heat to be safe for use on the testicles. These include:

  • Incandescent

  • Heat lamps

  • Not controlled red light touches

  • Far-Infrared lamps and equipment

Be sure to stick to LEDs when selecting equipment for red light therapy. LEDs emit light while keeping things at a cool, optimal temperature. It is important to follow the recommended treatment time from the manufacturer, more its not always better…

Red light equipment that use wavelengths of red light from 630 to 660 nanometers (nm); and near-infrared (NIR), which ranges from 810 to 855 nm, are the safest choice.

WHERE TO APPLY THERPEUTIC LIGHTS FOR BETTER TESTOSTERON LEVEL. As mentioned earlier by Tucker Carlson light on your balls may have an impact on your testosterone level, but we also see that clinics offer therapies where they shine therapeutic lights on other parts of the body like the upper torso, stomach and back.

Photonic Lights highPAD 3 DUO, vest, on man, flight therapy for better testosterone
Photonic Lights highPAD 3 DUO

CONNECTION BETWEEN TINNITUS AND TESTOSTERONE Another and a very exciting topic I stumbled upon in my eagerness to find good studies and articles on therapeutic light and menstrual health, were studied on Tinnitus and age-related hearing loss

where abnormal levels ​​of testosterone were discussed and in several articles used as a biomarker. (5) (6)

Tinnitus is a perception of sounds without external source. Approximately 14% of the adult population persistently suffer from tinnitus, and 20% of those with such symptoms experience considerable distress.1 Despite its prevalence and morbidity, tinnitus still remains an obscure symptom. Mainly because of the subjective nature of the disorder and our lack of knowledge of its pathophysiology, treatment of tinnitus has been limited, controversial, and quite often unsuccessful. Pharmacological treatment of tinnitus in particular, has proved to be a difficult task, although the effect on tinnitus of many substances has been studied and some used to alleviate tinnitus.

TINNITUS AND THERAPEUTICK LIGHTS A study on tinnitus and therapeutic light therapy was carried out in 2016 with 46 patients. In total the patients experienced bilateral subjective tinnitus were selected for this study. Laser and LED 810nm, and placebo treatment were applied to the patients. There were 15 patients each in the laser and placebo groups and 16 patients in the 810 nm LED group. -PBM was applied for 10 days, once per day. Results: There were statistically significant differences in the laser and 810 nm groups, but no difference in the placebo group.

Conclusions: Both the laser and 810 nm were effective for the treatment of subjective tinnitus. (7) (8) In conclusion. Therapeutic light and PBM therapy can offer significant benefit in the treatment of tinnitus.

Tinnitus and migraine can occur together. People with migraine appear to be more likely to have tinnitus, and people with tinnitus often report migraine and other headache disorders. Tinnitus itself can be a symptom of migraine if a person experiences ringing in the ears as a temporary aura.

Photonic Lights Photopuncture Pen Green

Doctors do not fully understand the relationship between tinnitus and migraine. Research into these neurological conditions is ongoing. In the meantime, some people may find that effectively treating or managing their migraine helps lessen tinnitus symptoms or improve their quality of life, and that’s why we see the a rapidly growth in people use green therapeutic light to help both migraine and tinnitus. Harvard school of medicine presented a study in 2016 by Dr. Rami Burstein which clearly showed how green therapeutic light can help with migraines. (8) Unexpectedly, the researchers found that green light reduced pain by about 20 percent. A holistic lifestyle will in the long term have the optimal effect on men's health, but beyond eating healthy, being active and having better quality sleep, setting aside time for therapeutic light therapy in the everyday life, for better energy, less pain and a better sex life.

If you decide to invest in a therapeutic light therapy product after reading the article,

we are happy to offer you a discount code, which gives you 10% of our light therapy equipment. CODE: MAN Have a bright day Anita N

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